Sree Narayana Guru College Of Education (B.ED)

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  • “Excellence always sells. Excellence is not an exception. It is a prevailing attitude.”
  • Our prime motto is to provide Quality Education and Academic Excellence.
  • Our college aims to hone the potentialities and the all-round development of the student teachers.
  • We aim at an integral personal formation of student teachers by inculcating



  • We work towards making our significant contribution to the improvement of the present social conditions like justice, women empowerment, equality of opportunities, etc. so that everyone enjoys a meaningful life.
  • To develop a “can do” attitude that will stay with them life-long.
  • To ensure a sustained progress in each prospective teacher.
  • Our college aims to hone the potentialities and the all-round development of the student teachers.
  • We aim at an integral personal formation of student teachers by inculcating
  • To provide a stimulating educational experience that promotes their social, emotional and cognitive development.
  • To support their desire to be life-long learners.
  • To enable them to develop the teaching competencies and performance skills for the subjects they have to teach using appropriate aids including ICT, organize supplementary educational activities and elicit community cooperation.
  • To enable them to integrate yogic health, physical, aesthetic and inclusive education with other educational activities.
  • To enable the prospective teachers to include dignity and morality of work and produce a congenial, non-threatening work culture among their students.
  • To become knowledgeable professionals, reflective teachers and collaborative leaders.
  • To value and incorporate all aspects of 21st century employability skills and to build a strong relationship/partnership with all stakeholders.
  • To provide a rich programme of curricular and co-curricular activities for student teachers for all round development of their personalities as also those of the students whom they teach.
  • To provide student teachers to understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of the learner.
  • To develop in student teachers an identity as a teacher, through school based learning experiences and reflective practices that continually evaluate the effect of their choices and actions.
  • To change the behaviour, attitude and values of student teachers so that they shape into responsible agents of change in the society in the perspective of local, national and global issues vital for human survival, development & progress. 




Preparing exemplary teachers and school leaders for roles in a diverse changing society,by offering the best dynamic, Value based, Creative, Environmental friendly educational experience and  motivating learners to become committed and professional teachers. 

Our Mission

To enable student teachers to become beacons of knowledge, motivate them to become committed and dedicated professional teachers through effective teaching and training thus accomplishing defined learning out comes, dedicated to meeting the needs of the diverse communities they serve.










  • A congenial, inviting and safe learning environment that emphasizes excellent teaching, encourages growth and rewards academic achievement.
  • Deliberative dialogue in decision making and solving problems.
  • An education, rich in theory and practical experience that enables graduates to pursue teaching with competence and confidence.
  • Governance and shared responsibility.
  • Honesty, integrity and openness while promoting ethical behaviour.


About Us

Sree Narayana Mandira Samiti, located at Chembur (W), has been rendering yeomen service in the field of education for more than three decades through its educational institutions. This locality, a central suburb of Mumbai has witnessed a mushrooming growth of schools and colleges in the recent past. Unfortunately, most of these institutions are functioning without qualified and properly trained teachers and there is a visible dearth of professionalism in teaching field. Having this in mind and the dire need of knowledgeable, qualified, trained graduates, the Samiti planned to start their college of education (B. Ed.) in the year 2009 - 2010 with necessary permission and recognition from NCTE and affiliation from the University of Mumbai. The college has successfully completed its fourteen years since inception. This year the college is going for the first cycle of NAAC.

Sree Narayana Guru

"Compare with divine personalities of the world and in all respects judged by any standard Sree Narayana Guru is second to none. Is it in the humility of his origin and the wonderful glory of the setting; is it in the simplicity and purity of his life; is it in the depth of his learning or the wisdom of his concrete achievements for the good of the world or the magnitude of the practical work he has done; is it in the wonderful love and esteem of his own generation; is it in the unparallel service and sacrifice of his life; is it in the grandeur and universal value of his message; in all respects, viewed from any stand point, he is more divine than many of those figures who rule hearts and beliefs of people all over the world." - Swami Dharma Theerthar 

Sree Narayana guru was born in a remote South Indian village Chempazhanti in Kerala. He grew up seeing the pathetic condition of the fellow human being and the inhuman treatment inflicted upon them. His childhood incidents gave an indication that he was gifted with super natural powers. Guru opted to utilize his spirituality and wisdom for the betterment of the society. He propounded the theory of universal brotherhood of mankind, Sanatana - dharma and truth in day-to-day life. He placed dignity and self-respect of mankind at the highest pedestal above all religions. "Whatever be the religion, it is enough, if man becomes virtuous" was his message. Guru revolutionalised the social, religious and philosophical system.

Our Principal's Message


It is said Gratitude is the biggest Attitude. At this juncture as I finally bid farewell to each one of you I can reminiscence the time spent with you during my tenure from 2010-2011. The experience is so rich that I am so grateful to the Almighty, my parents and my teachers and mentors who carved me to be an Educator. Every year was a learning experience and there wasn’t any Turning Back. There are no regrets at all. I am grateful to the Management body then and now, my team members over the years, both teaching and non-teaching, parents of my students, my colleague Principals and Heads of Institutions at SNMS, all non-teaching staff in the campus and my biggest asset, my dear students.

I thank my students for teaching me patience, for making me techsavy and the daily positive strokes that motivated me in my journey at Sree Narayana Guru College of Education (B.Ed). I thank my Alumni for their constant reassurance that they are always there for the Institution. My prayers and good wishes are with you all always.

Dr. Anna L. Fernandes

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